


盧冠廷(Lowell Lo 1950年-),暱稱LoLo,本名盧國富,他太太後來替他改為盧冠廷。香港電影音樂作曲家、演員、歌手,現為著名環保人士 。他出生於香港,幼年移居美國,先後畢業於西雅圖華盛頓州立大學和科尼許音樂學校。1977年之後回港。














陳百強(1958年9月7日-1993年10月25日),英文名Danny Chan,所以被稱為丹尼仔。他生於香港,籍貫廣東台山四九鎮大塘洞寧村﹐香港已故流行歌手。


王菲(1969年8月8日-),中國女歌手與影視女演員。她於1987年由出生地北京前往香港發展。曾使用藝名王靖雯(英文名是Shirley Wong);對應「王菲」的英文名是Faye Wong,一般在華人圈外使用。王菲在華人世界擁有很高的知名度,在日本等地也有一些歌迷。她唱過許多經典的歌曲,音樂又具有強烈的個人風格。她是1990年代初至2000年代中期十多年來華語樂壇最出色的女歌手之一,被視為大中華地區的「樂壇天后」。王菲自2004、2005年逐漸淡出歌壇,相夫教子。


張學友(英語:Jacky Cheung,1961年7月10日-),生於香港,祖籍天津[1],是一位在亞洲地區和華人社會具有影響力的實力派歌手和著名演員,香港樂壇「四大天王」之一,大中華區的樂壇巨星,在華語地區享有「歌神」的稱譽。


林子祥(George Lam,1947年10月12日-),暱稱阿Lam,香港出生,是香港著名歌手和演員。

Raise it up


So close


Failling Slowly


I need to wake up


Yothu Yindi

Posted by Wechner


clip_montage0,,6573924,00YothuYindiPic  yothu ridduriddunla    yothu2 concert


因為Geoffrey Gurrumul-Yunupingu曾在 Yothu Yindi (樂隊), 所以今天我要介紹這樂隊:

Yothu Yindi - Dots on the Shell


Yothu Yindi - Treaty

Yothu Yindi - Djäpana

Yothu Yindi - Djäpana

Yothu Yindi - Tribal Voice

Yothu Yindi - World Turning RIght

我在想, 為什麼那些黑mungm  mungm(黑墨墨) 的人音樂感是那麼重的呢????


Geoffrey Gurrumul-Yunupingu

Posted by Wechner

97064749 SetWidth600-gurrumul-hr2-jstheedeadlys_wideweb__470x315,0 420-yunupingu-rudd-420x0  pacificphotos051812-25737pcn-aria-gurrumul r228292_908501 

從電視上”RockWiz” 看到的這位 Aboriginal singer(唱 From little things big things grow”, 我想起了另一位天才 Aboriginal singer, 他是盲人, 但他作的歌極為動聽, 完全不知道他唱什麼(因為他用土話唱), 但是旋律非常優美, 他是use left hand, and he can't play the guitar in the begining.  As a child he learn to play it up side down,  and then finally he know how to play it better, and now he still play it up side down.

This is his story:


Djarimirri - Gurrumul Yunupingu

Bapa (HQ)


Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu performing at WOMADelaide 2009

Gurrumul History (I Was Born Blind)

Geoffrey Gurrumul's concert with Elton John, 17 May 2008


Paul Kelly

Posted by Wechner

paulkelly2_narrowweb__300x352,0 Paul Kelly PK_070823125925544_wideweb__300x375paulkelly2007-2

I saw a gram call "RockWiz",  Saw a  Aboriginal singer, he sing "From little things big things grow", it is so good!  So I asked Edward what is the name of this song, He told me that is Paul Kelly wrote it:

他是澳大利亞人, 寫給Aboriginal people who flight for their land.  主意是叫他不要放棄, 什麼事都是從小到大的.  非常好聽又有意思的歌:0


Paul Kelly
From Little Things Big Things Grow lyrics

Gather round people let me tell you're a story
An eight year long story of power and pride
British Lord Vestey and Vincent Lingiarri
Were opposite men on opposite sides
Vestey was fat with money and muscle
Beef was his business, broad was his door
Vincent was lean and spoke very little
He had no bank balance, hard dirt was his floor
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Gurindji were working for nothing but rations
Where once they had gathered the wealth of the land
Daily the pressure got tighter and tighter
Gurindju decided they must make a stand
They picked up their swags and started off walking
At Wattie Creek they sat themselves down
Now it don't sound like much but it sure got tongues talking
Back at the homestead and then in the town
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Vestey man said I'll double your wages
Seven quid a week you'll have in your hand
Vincent said uhuh we're not talking about wages
We're sitting right here till we get our land
Vestey man roared and Vestey man thundered
You don't stand the chance of a cinder in snow
Vince said if we fall others are rising
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Then Vincent Lingiarri boarded an aeroplane
Landed in Sydney, big city of lights
And daily he went round softly speaking his story
To all kinds of men from all walks of life
And Vincent sat down with big politicians
This affair they told him is a matter of state
Let us sort it out, your people are hungry
Vincent said no thanks, we know how to wait
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Then Vincent Lingiarri returned in an aeroplane
Back to his country once more to sit down
And he told his people let the stars keep on turning
We have friends in the south, in the cities and towns
Eight years went by, eight long years of waiting
Till one day a tall stranger appeared in the land
And he came with lawyers and he came with great ceremony
And through Vincent's fingers poured a handful of sand
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
That was the story of Vincent Lingairri
But this is the story of something much more
How power and privilege can not move a people
Who know where they stand and stand in the law
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow




Paul Kelly

Posted by Wechner

I saw a TV program call "RockWiz",  Saw a Aboriginal singer, he sing "From little things big things grow", it is so good!  So I asked Edward what is the name of this song, He told me that is Paul Kelly wrote it:

他是澳大利亞人, 寫給Aboriginal people who flight for their land.  主意是叫他不要放棄, 什麼事都是從小到大的.  非常好聽又有意思的歌:


Paul Kelly
From Little Things Big Things Grow lyrics

Gather round people let me tell you're a story
An eight year long story of power and pride
British Lord Vestey and Vincent Lingiarri
Were opposite men on opposite sides
Vestey was fat with money and muscle
Beef was his business, broad was his door
Vincent was lean and spoke very little
He had no bank balance, hard dirt was his floor
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Gurindji were working for nothing but rations
Where once they had gathered the wealth of the land
Daily the pressure got tighter and tighter
Gurindju decided they must make a stand
They picked up their swags and started off walking
At Wattie Creek they sat themselves down
Now it don't sound like much but it sure got tongues talking
Back at the homestead and then in the town
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Vestey man said I'll double your wages
Seven quid a week you'll have in your hand
Vincent said uhuh we're not talking about wages
We're sitting right here till we get our land
Vestey man roared and Vestey man thundered
You don't stand the chance of a cinder in snow
Vince said if we fall others are rising
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Then Vincent Lingiarri boarded an aeroplane
Landed in Sydney, big city of lights
And daily he went round softly speaking his story
To all kinds of men from all walks of life
And Vincent sat down with big politicians
This affair they told him is a matter of state
Let us sort it out, your people are hungry
Vincent said no thanks, we know how to wait
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
Then Vincent Lingiarri returned in an aeroplane
Back to his country once more to sit down
And he told his people let the stars keep on turning
We have friends in the south, in the cities and towns
Eight years went by, eight long years of waiting
Till one day a tall stranger appeared in the land
And he came with lawyers and he came with great ceremony
And through Vincent's fingers poured a handful of sand
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
That was the story of Vincent Lingairri
But this is the story of something much more
How power and privilege can not move a people
Who know where they stand and stand in the law
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow
From little things big things grow




JJ cale

Posted by Wechner

jjcale1 JJCale3

Edward also has one CD of JJ cale

Magnolia(我家也有一顆白色Magnolia 耶!!!):


Tijuana (Tijuana is the town on the Mexican side across the border from San Diego, where the main business is smuggling people and contraband)

Cajun Moon  (Cajun is the americanized word for the Arcadians, Arcadians are German religious people that were persecuted in Germany and moved to Canada where they suffered the same fate, until they finally moved to the American South, settling around the New Orleans area where they continued their own tradition and developed what we now call the Cajun culture with their own food and music that is so popular now)

Call me the breeze:





why we likes JJ cale, it is because he has a talent to use a songs telling a current affair.

Just like the Tijuana Lyrics:

Just below san Diego
Tijuana, land of broken dreams
Senoritas (Mexican girls) dancing in the moonlight
Flashing Spanish dark eyes to everyone, it seems
They say "hey, gringo (White American man)
Can you take us across the border
Just tell them I'm your daughter
Of a local."
Down the backstreets, through the alleys
All the young men stand with pride
They guard the palace to the kingdom
Called Tijuana, their heritage they decide (they are proud of where come from - Mexico)
They say "hey, gringo
Can you take us across the border
We'll work for just a quarter ( we are happy to work for 1/4 of the money that you earn)On the other side

(the faint Mexican guitar in the background gives it a real authentic scene)

Trio II

Posted by Wechner


Edward 有一隻她們的CD(Trio II), 我非常喜歡! 

我一直喜歡南方二重唱, 芝痳龍眼等的二重唱的樂隊, 因為我好想學和唱那個, 因為和唱先至最難! 

另外, 就是兩把, 三把聲和在一起, 非常好聽.  我也很喜歡country songs!


Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton:

Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris_FrontBlog







Jonny Cash & Emmylou Harris:


Jonny Cash, Edward 也有他的CD, 有些歌也很好聽.

Emmylou Harris "The Angels Rejoiced" w Hot Band 1976 Louvin:



Zinmag Tribune 2.0 template 安裝

Posted by Wechner

zinmag TribuneA裝了幾次Falcon Hive 的 template 後, 對於改新版面, 應不成問題了吧.  而且他的模版已愈來愈是懶人包無痛安裝的了.
下載: http://www.falconhive.com/2009/03/blogger-template-zinmag-tribune-20.html
下載Zinmag Tribune 2.0後, 將所有圖片上載並將圖片URL 貼回XML file去. 然後將XML file 上載去BLOGGER. (去看我網誌的更改Template 基本功)
1. Set up the Top Navigation Menu
You can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' section, click on the 'Edit' of the 'Top Navigation Menu' and configure the Link Gadget setup.
2. Set up the Second Navigation Menu
You can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' section, click on the 'Edit' of the 'Second Navigation Menu' and configure the Link Gadget setup. 
以上(1, 2)兩點可去看以下:

3. Set up the Subscription Section on the top of the blog
You can personalize the Subscription section to your own personal news, comments and email RSS. To get this done, access into 'Layout' and under the 'Edit HTML' tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item:
If you are using the Feedburner, the RSS email subscription link should look like this:
申請FeedBurner, 請看: http://wong-wechner.blogspot.com/2009/03/feedburner_24.html
申請 Subscribe to Email :
access into 'Layout' and under the 'Edit HTML' tab, press [CTRL+F3] to find the code below and edit it with corresponding item:
<a href="http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=meiwechner&amp;loc=en_US">Subscribe to 陶陶樂 by Email</a>

於是將以上紅色字貼成: <a href='http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=meiwechner&amp;loc=en_US'> 
在"修改html" 版內.
Comment - 這部份不會做!
4. Set up the 'Featured Content Scroller' on the top of the main page
There's also got a wide space under the sliding carousal, which you can access into the space through the 'Page Element' section. Simply copy the code below, then access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element', click on the 'Edit' of the 'Featured Content Scroller', paste and edit the code with the corresponding item.
<a href='POST-LINK-HERE' title='LINK-TITLE-HERE'><img src='IMAGE-LINK-HERE'width='60' height='40' alt=''/></a> <div class='fmeta'>POST-DESCRIPTION-HERE</div>
If you want to have more than 1 Featured Content slide, you can copy, paste and edit the code above again in the same HTML/ JavaScript gadget. 
以上的程式碼, 我攪了很久, 也沒辦法成功, 於是用回version 1 那邊的碼:
<div class='panel'>
<a href='POST-LINK-HERE' title='LINK-TITLE-HERE'><img alt='' height='40' src='IMAGE-LINK-HERE' width='60'/></a>
<div class='fmeta'>POST-DESCRIPTION-HERE</div>
<div class='panel'>
<a href=' http://www.einarlunden.com/' title='Einar Lunden'><img alt='' height='40' src='http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u66/meiwechner/zinmag-scoller/SNAG_Program-0017.jpg' width='60'/></a>
<div class='fmeta'>Einar Lunden很多幻想的畫作</div>
photos size : 66x46, can not large then 70 x 50, 效果都沒很好! 最好是66x46
5. Set up the 'Featured Content Glider' on the top of the main page
There's also got a wide space under the sliding carousal, which you can access into the space through the 'Page Element' section. Simply copy the code below, then access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element', click on the 'Edit' of the 'Featured Content Glider', paste and edit the code with the corresponding item.

<div class='glidecontent'>
<div class='glidemeta'>
<h2><a href='POST-LINK-HERE' title='LINK-TITLE-HERE'>POST-TITLE-HERE</a></h2>
<a href='POST-LINK-HERE' title='LINK-TITLE-HERE'><img src='IMAGE-LINK-HERE' width='650' height='250' alt='IMAGE-TITLE-HERE'/></a>
<div class="glidecontent">
<div class="glidemeta">
<h2><a href="http://www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au/" title="Nicholson Cartoons">National Broadband Network</a></h2>
<a href="''http://www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au/'" title="'Nicholson Cartoons'"><img width="650" alt="National Broadband Network" src="http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u66/meiwechner/zinmag-photonew/SNAG_Program-0032.jpg" height="250"/></a>

If you want to have more than 1 Featured Content slide, you can copy, paste and edit the code above again in the same HTML/ JavaScript gadget.

6. Set up the Minipost Section under the Featured Content Glider
There's actually got minipost section installed under the Featured Content Glider, which you can only access into the section through the 'Edit HTML' section..
To setup the featured content on the sidebar, simply copy the code below, then access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element', clicks on the 'Edit' of the 'Featured Content (number)', paste and edit the code with corresponding item.

<div class='hentry'>
<h2><a href='POST-LINK-HERE' title='LINK-TITLE-HERE'>POST-TITLE-HERE</a></h2>
<div class='categ'>POST-CATEGORY-HERE</div>
<div class='minicontent'>
<img src='IMAGE-LINK-HERE' width='120' height='80' alt=''  />
<div class='minimeta'>POST-DATE-HERE I <a href='POST-LINK-HERE'>Read the full story</a></div>
<div class='hentry'>
<h2><a href='http://meilingwong-wechner.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-sketch-cats.html' title='亂畫黨'>How to Sketch cats</a></h2>
<div class='categ'>painter, 學畫</div>
<div class='minicontent'>
<img src='http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u66/meiwechner/zinmag-photonew/SNAG_Program-0050.jpg' width='120' height='80' alt='' />
Love them or hate them, cats make wonderful subjects for your drawings. We take a look at some of the rules in capturing their character.
<div class='minimeta'>9 April, 2009 I <a href='http://meilingwong-wechner.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-sketch-cats.html'>Read the full story</a></div>
7. How to hide article's content on the main page 
As this template got 'Read More' function, you probably want to hide some text from being displayed on the main page. In fact, you just need some extremely easy step to achieve this. Simply copy the highlighted code below, then access into 'Settings' and under the 'Formatting' tab, paste the code into the 'Post Template'. 
<span class="fullpost"></span>
On the next time you write an article, you just need to add this line of code to hide the text. For example,

After the dark professional Zinmag Remedy template, Zinmag Tribune Blogger template is a white professional magazine style template. 
<span class="fullpost">Zinmag Tribune has unique feature installed like featured content scroller and graphical featured-content glider.</span>
Then the main page would show only the 'After the dark professional Zinmag Remedy template, Zinmag Tribune Blogger template is a white professional magazine style template', while the other text is hid and only can be seen through 'Read More' click. 

8. Set up the 'Video of the day'
There's a video section on the bottom of the mini post section, and you can put favorite Youtube video inside the section by just few simple steps. 
To setup your favorite Youtube video, just copy the video's embed code link, then access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' tab, click on the 'Edit' of the 'Featured Video', paste the code then 'Save' to show the video!
Your Youtube video's embed code link is located below the profile of the video uploader, and you can adjust the <embed>'s width and height inside the code to fix the section size. The recommended width and height for the video is 310 and 255.

9. Set up the JavaScript-based Tabber on the sidebar
You can probably notice that there's got a dynamic tabber with 3 gadget inside on the sidebar. By clicking the 'Popular', you can actually set up the 'Popular' part of the tabber with any gadget, same as clicking 'Archive' and 'Recent', which directs you to the setting of second and third part of the tabber.
To setup the Popular (post) section, you can simply copy the code below then access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' tab, add a HTML/JavaScript gadget into the 'Popular' section then paste the code inside the gadget and edit it with corresponding item:
<script type="text/javascript">
function pipeCallback(obj) {
document.write('<ul style="text-transform: capitalize;">');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < obj.count ; i++)
var href = "'" + obj.value.items[i].link + "'";
var item = "<li>" + "<a href=" + href + ">" + obj.value.items[i].title + "</a> </li>";
<script src="http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_render=json&_callback=pipeCallback&_id=a7d3195528df5e96181a3d2712266226&url=http%3A%2F%2FYOUR_BLOG_ADDRESS_HERE_WITHOUT_http://&num=10" type="text/javascript"></script>
<a href="http://bloggerstop.net" target="_blank"><span style="font-size: xx-small;">Popular Posts Widget</span></a>

將以下紅字貼上以上紅字代替之, 然後將程式碼貼去你BLOG,
meiwechner.blogspot.com (即你BLOG地址去了前頭的http://)
zinmag Tribune
zinmag Tribune1
zinmag Tribune2
要看到效果, 必須你的網誌有人回應才行.  所以我只有自己在某篇網誌上留了兩次屁話好了!
zinmag Tribune4

For the 'Archive' section, you can just install Archive gadget inside the section, with the 'flat list' as recommended option. As for the 'Recent' section, you can put your Feed gadget together with your blog's feed into the section.

10. Set up the 125x125 Ads
You can change the 125x125 ads image to your own ads image. To achieve this, simply copy the code below and access into 'Layout' and under 'Page Element' tab, click on the 'Edit' of the '125x125 Ads', paste and edit the code with corresponding item.
<a href='YOUR-TARGETED-LINK' rel='bookmark' title='#'><img src='YOUR-IMAGE-LINK' alt='#'/></a>
<a href='http://apps.corel.com/painterx/us/gallery_profiles.html' rel='bookmark' title='Corel Painter X'><img src='http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u66/meiwechner/zinmag-photonew/SNAG_Program-0055.jpg' alt='Corel Painter X'/></a>
11. Set up the Footer Navigation Menu
You can customize your header navigation link to your own preferred link. To achieve this, access into 'Layout' and under the 'Page Element' section, click on the 'Edit' of the 'Footer Navigation Menu' and configure the Link Gadget setup. 
加一個 login -  http://draft.blogger.com/home  非常有用.